About Roger Cloutier



    In my bodywork practice and Taiji classes, I get to work with all kinds of people, from all walks of life, from the very old to very young. I have been able to see what kinds of postures, attitudes, and ways of moving produce pain eventually. So I try to help get people off the path to pain and suffering.

    Taiji and Qigong came from the principles of traditional life.출장마사지

    Home: Who are you? Are you connected to everyone and everything? Or are you separate? Your attitudes about life shape the body.

    Farm: Principles of hard work. Having good stamina. How you work and how you feel about your work also shape the body.

    This also translates out into all other fields of interest like marital arts, dance arts, music arts, creating art objects etc. So how you do what you do is what I try to work with first and foremost. What you do all day is your form (like a Taiji form) it forms your body and soul.


    Junior Hatabaugh (8th Dan Taekwondo & Hapkito) 3 yrs.출장안마

    David Larson (Marshal H’o’s senior student & teacher in Kansas) 6 years Yang Taiji/ Qigong.

    Marshal H’o (Chairman of the National TaiJi Quan Association, Acupuncturist). Yang Taiji/ Qigong. Passed away in October of 1996.

    Kenneth S. Cohen, MA (TaiJi / Qigong Master, Taoist teacher & Author) Animal Frolics Qigong.

    Harrison Moretz (Taoist Studies Institute) Chen Taiji, Bagua, Push Hands, Swimming Dragon.

    Sifu John Gilbert Jones MTCM., L.Ac. (American Martial Institute, American Acupuncture Clinic) Taiji, Qigong

    Master Larry Walden HeBei style Hsing-I

    Michael Gilman (Gilman Studio & Author) Push Hands, Spear, Qigong.

    Master Gao Fu Yang Sword, Chen Sword, Chen Style Xinyi Hunyuan Qigong, Internal principles.

    Andrew Dale (Xin Qi Shen Dojo) Push Hands, Qigong, Applications.

    Sam Masich (World Renowned Teacher & Author,senior student is Jan Parker) Yang Taiji, Push Hands, Qigong.

    Jan Parker (senior student of Sam Masich) Yang Taiji, Push Hands, Qigong.


    Brian Utting School of Massage

    Swedish & Deep Tissue (Brian Utting)
    The Art & Technique of Deep Touching (Reed Svdesh Johnson & Chistine Narayana Chmielewski)
    Deep Muscle Therapy (Catherine Maxwell)
    CTM / Bindegewebsmassage (Brian Utting)
    Triggerpoint (Brian Utting)
    Pregnancy Massage (Sari Spieler)
    Treatment Massage (Brian Utting & Diana Thompson)
    Hydrotherapy (Brian Utting)
    Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Brian Utting & Diana Thompson)
    On-Site Massage / Massage Chair (David Palmer)
    Sportsmassage (Leif Grunseth)

    Posture & Movement

    TaiJi Quan, Qigong [23 yrs.]
    XING YI QUAN [3yrs.]
    Taekwondo [3yr.]


    Dub Liegh D.Sc.,DZ) [5yrs. 355hrs.]
    Six Certifications

    Holographic Memory Release® (HMR)


    Michael Gilman’s Energetic Retreat at Lake Crescent (Massage, Animal Frolics)

    Andy Dale’s Bandon Dojo (Massage, Animal Frolics)

    Professor Kelly S Worden’s Water and Steel West Coast Martial Arts camp (Massage)